The next installment of the seemingly unstoppable blockbuster machine known as the Marvel Cinematic Universe will be Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2. Not much was expected from the first film about the obscure team of space heroes and many industry "experts" were claiming that Guardians of the Galaxy, the 10th film in the MCU, would the first flop. Admittedly it was risky, but the classic rock marketing campaign and the promise of a fun adventure set in the far reaches of space full unique, colorful creatures propelled the movie to a $94 million opening weekend and finished as the third highest grossing movie of 2014. The sequel was a sure thing and is now only a few months away, May 5th to be exact.
We know many things about the film; the cast, synopsis, villain, and so on but we probably know less than we'd like to admit, thanks to the secrecy that surrounds a Marvel filming project. How does it connect to the MCU, the Guardians of the Galaxy will be involved next year in Avengers Infinity War but what brings them together. The golden villainous Ayesha is the twin sister of Adam Warlock, but it is uncertain if the remarkably powerful artificially created being and occasional holder of the Soul Stone (the last Infinity Stone to be located in the MCU by the way) is in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2. We also know that Kurt Russel will lend his bad assery to the film as Peter Quill aka Stalord's father Ego the Living Planet, however not only have we not seen Ego in his familiar planetary form there has been no clear answer if Ego will even appear as a planet. Seems like an idiotically missed opportunity if he doesn't.
The closely guarded secrets of a Marvel film have extended to the test screening audiences. Essentially made of friends and family of the cast and crew trusted not to leak information, and although less likely to criticize a film the results vary and are taken seriously by Disney. For example, the highest scores at the time came from Iron Man 3 and The Avengers which ranked in the 90th percentile, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 scored a perfect 100%. With the overachieving performance of the first film and the amount of hype and anticipation surrounding the second, I don't need the "friends and family" test screening to tell me that Marvel has yet another blockbuster hit with Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2.
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