You may have noticed the blog's redesign a few months ago. I cleaned it up a bit, deleted the excessively large logo/banner at the top of the page, eliminated the background, simplified the color scheme, and tweaked a few things behind the scenes as well. An addition you may have noticed is the custom brainoutloud banners that accompany many of the posts. These are created to keep my graphic design skills sharp, simply by playing around with Photoshop or following online tutorials.
As the collection has grown, I decided it was time to assemble them in one location. That way, if you want, you can easily scroll through them here. Instead of going back multiple posts, and separate pages, to find one you like. If you want to create your own custom nameplate/logo in the same style, just click the link below the image. The links I provide, may or may not be the actual tutorial I followed. Also, I may have deviated from the instructions.
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