Just a couple of weeks ago Affleck dropped out as the director for the solo Batman film. A film, by the way, which has yet to be officially announced, nor any release date set. Now, on the most recent episode of Collider Movie Talk host John Campea claims that Affleck no longer wants to be involved at all. It's important to note that Campea has been wrong before and his "inside sources" may not be completely reliable. In other words, this is an unsubstantiated rumor. On the other hand, the Collider video did stream live on YouTube yesterday afternoon and so far no rebuttals have been issued from Warner Brothers, DC Films President Geoff Johns, or Ben Affleck himself.
DC is currently lining up a director to replace Affleck, with Matt Reeves (Cloverfield, Dawn of the Planet of the Apes) the front runner. Reeves has mainly directed sappy television melodramas like Felicity, until 2008 when he directed Cloverfield. Even though I hate "shaky cam/found footage" films and think that is the laziest choice a director can make, I thoroughly enjoyed Cloverfield. Unfortunately, no matter who directs, Zack Snyder could influence them into adopting his (literally) dark and confusing mess of a style. As if Warner Brothers and DC didn't have enough problems getting their Cinematic Universe off the ground.
The original Robin, Dick Grayson has acted as Batman on occasion, GCPD Commissioner Gordon wore a high-tech suit of armor *cough Iron Man rip-off cough* and fought crime as the police sanctioned Batman, even Alfred Pennyworth has portrayed Batman as a diversion. Or DC could introduce Terry McGinnis, Batman Beyond. Point is, it would be a devastating setback to the already struggling DC Cinematic Universe if Ben Affleck were to leave the role but there are options.
On a lighter side, figuratively and literally, production has begun on Avengers Infinity War and since they are filming back to back production has also begun on the unnamed fourth Avengers film. Above is some concept art of Thanos and even without his golden armor he remains an intimidating and threatening presence, as he should. This is the mistake Fox made with the green trash bag wearing outer space potato man they sold as Dr. Doom in the disastrous Fantastic Four movie, and repeated with the Mighty Morphing Power Rangers wannabe Ivan Ooze lookalike Apocalypse in X-Men Apocalypse. I've said it before Dr. Doom and Apocalypse may be two of the best Marvel villains ever and Fox made them into laughing stocks.
Check out a video from the first day on the set with stars Robert Downey Jr., Chris Pratt and Tom Holland or Iron Man, Starlord and Spider-Man respectively. Although it was likely and rumors were leaked, Spider-Man had not officially been announced as part of the cast until now. Plus Iron Man and Starlord together for the first time in the MCU is going to be flippin' awesome.
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