The iconic satirical magazine simply known as Mad, is ceasing publication after issue #10 this fall. However the 67 year old magazine still has life in it...kinda. Reports indicate the magazine will remain on the newsstands (of comic-book retailers) with reprinted older/classic material for the foreseeable future, featuring new covers. How can a magazine published monthly since 1952 only be on the tenth issue, you ask. The magazine was relaunched at #1 in June of 2018 after Warner Brothers purchased it and relocated the headquarters to California. As you may know, Warner Brothers is the parent company of Detective Comics or DC, and the Mad Magazine team was placed under the DC umbrella. Facing challenges after their ill-fated attempt at the box office, and declining comic sales (to be fair an industry wide trend) DC recently announced they will restructure their titles into three age appropriate tiers; DC Kids, DC and DC Black Label. It appears, and I'm just speculating, that t...