In case you don't know the unpleasant history between Marvel Studios and 20th Century Fox, here is a quick recap. In the mid 90's Marvel was close to bankruptcy and they sold the live-action film rights to several of their characters to a number of studios. Some of those rights have reverted back to Marvel due to an inactivity clause, like Ghost Rider who's rights were once held by Sony Pictures and is now appearing on Marvel's Agents of Shield. Other characters are now shared after landmark deals were brokered, like the wall-crawling Spider-Man. This gave optimistic fans hope that Marvel and Fox could reach an agreement and the X-Men or the Fantastic Four could share the screen with Iron Man or Captain America, but nearly every time Marvel approached Fox to make an offer the Fox executives acted like jerks and Marvel was denied. To be fair there have probably been jerks on both sides of the table over the years. Regardless, it didn't seem likely that Marvel and...