"Do you know the meaning of procrastination ?" "Yeah...I'll tell you tomorrow." It's procrastination and not "writer's block" that has kept me from writing. It's also, I guess you could call it, organization or the lack thereof. When I do sit down to write I don't need to think of what to write because the stories are already in my head, I just can't get them out and onto a piece of paper. When I do accomplish that impossibility, bits and pieces get spread out all over the place, in multiple spiral-bound notebooks, and in no particular order. So to avoid that mayhem I just don't do it. When I decide to tackle that mayhem I just end up sorting through the notebooks attempting to consolidate my ideas, starring at my carpet overwhelmed by the task. A computer could help with that I can hear you saying, but it's just as bad. The folder my main work is in has several sub-folders. Each sub-folder is filled with dozens of files...
Here we go again. WandaVision, the groundbreaking Marvel series on Disney Plus was a great success with critics but suffered the wrath of viewers. The critic score on RottenTomatoes.com is a certified fresh 91% whereas the audience rating drops to 81%. Not a huge difference and not much of a concern, right? Wrong. If you look at the language trending on social media after the series wrapped you'll see that Marvel fans felt betrayed and disappointed. Why? Insane theories and unachievable expectations set by YouTubers. One particular YouTuber (no names) got theory after theory after theory completely wrong, and each week he doubled down. Claiming his erroneous theory could still happen despite it being thoroughly debunked by the events of the show, while in the same video crafting another unfounded theory with no evidence. Yes, I know what theories are and the entire point of the exercise is not having real evidence to support your speculation. It's a guessing game. You through s...